Asbestos Testing

Health Risks With The Presecne Of Asbestos.
Asbestos that is left undisturbed and is in good condition is unlikely to present a health risk. The risks to asbestos exposure occurs when it is damaged or disturbed where asbestos fibers become airborne and can be inhaled. Managing asbestos in place and maintaining it in good repair is often the best approach to mitigating the risk of exposure to asbestos.

Attic Vermiculite Insulation.
If you have vermiculite insulation in your home, you should consider test it. Airborne asbestos fibers present a health risk if inhaled so, the first step is to not disturb the material. If you disturb the insulation, you can release asbestos fibers into the air and you will be at risk of inhaling the asbestos fibers.

Test Your Attic Duct, before its too late.
Attic Duct in buildings (homes, schools, apartments ..etc) were built prior 1980, very likely has Asbestos materials. Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy for testing or by air sampling to determine if there is Asbestos. Recommend remove it by spacial contractor if you have Asbestos.

Asbestos Sheeting.
From the early 1900s to the 1970s, asbestos sheet was the ideal material of choice in home construction. Asbestos sheet is a type of construction material that is manufactured by mixing asbestos fibers and cement. Asbestos sheet was typically used as roofing or siding in residential, commercial and industrial construction applications.

Common Uses Of Asbestos Sheets.
Asbestos corrugated sheets were used in place of corrugated iron sheets on roofs or as siding for walls to provide structural support and protection from fire. Asbestos sheathing, also called corrugated asbestos-cement sheathing or asbestos building lumber, was also used as roofing and siding material.

Popcorn Ceiling Asbestos
Asbestos sheet was commonly used in interior walls and ceilings. Acoustical, white Fibrous Homogeneous, Asbestos could be 3% to 15% Chrysotile type of Asbestos for homes were built early 1900s to the 1980s. We recommend to test it.